Solid State Drive Upgrade

Location: Dallas Texas | 1820 W Mockingbird Ln. Tel 972-200-4445 


A solid-state drive (SSD) is a type of hard drive which replace the traditional mechanical hard disks(HDD) by using the concept of flash-based memory on the motherboard for the purpose of speed, performance, mobility, reliability, no moving parts, durability, faster, lighter, highest capacity, and energy efficiency. SSD is made up of flash controller, NAND flash memory, semiconductor components. SSD can be categorized in different terms: SATA, PCIe, M. 2, U. 2, mSATA, SATA Express, and more. These all features brought a milestone in the field of business, server, gaming, movie making, designing, and more. Decision Is In Your Hand. 


    • Faster Performance:- Hard drive has the functions of data read and write speeds. The hard drive can not functions properly if it is outdated or malfunction. Thus new hard drive has more space to read and write the date which has faster performance than an old outdated hard drive.


    • Extended Battery Life:-  New hard drive consumes less power( average 2-3 watts) compared to an old hard disk drive( average 6-7 watts), resulting in a 30 + battery boost.


    • Fast Operating System Boot:- If you need things done now, upgrade the new hard drive for quick boot-ups and app launches. New hard drive around 10- 13 seconds average bootup time compared to Old hard drive around 30-40 seconds.


    • Lifespan and Durability:- Every hard drive has a limited life span. Generally, it survives three to five years depending on your usage and data storage.


    • More Space for Storage:-  Replacing hard drive means having more storage space for further data and files than the existing one.


Hard Drive Upgrade Services in Dallas

Install $ SetUp          Protect & Secure               Repair & Recover           Enhance & Maintain

The computer never exists without a solid-state drive because the operating systems, files, programs, applications, documents, pictures, video, and all data are stored and saved in SSD. The main thing you should understand is that data is important for all users. Thus, upgrading solid-state drive (SSD) is important to save and protect data from a possible bad incident in the future. iFixHub team provides the quality and affordable solid-state drive (SSD) upgrade services along with great customer service and granted warranty on most of our solid-state drive(SSD) services.

  • Existing Solid State Drive Upgrade Services
  • Install Additional Solid State Drive Services
  • Solid State Drive (SSD) upgrade
  • Solid State Drive Data Recovery Services
  • Solid State Drive Cloning Services
  • Solid State Drive Data Migration Services
  • Solid State Drive Test Services
  • Solid State Drive Bad Sector File Recovery
  • Solid State Drive Data BackUp Solutions
  • Solid State Drive Install and Setup Services
  • Solid State Drive Data Security and Protection Services
  • Solid State Drive Repair and Recovery Services
  • Solid State Drive Enhance and Maintain Services
  • Solid State Drive Replacement Services


Talk to Pro Tel 972-200-4445



iFixHub is the Best Decision

iFixHub provides service in individuals, businesses, offices, medical & educational institutes. iFixHub is an independent Mac repair hub in the Dallas metropolitan area in addition to computer repair and IT support. Our main motto is to provide reliable repairs and excellent customer satisfaction to our clients. iFixHub is locally located in Dallas, Texas 1820 W Mockingbird Ln.

iFixHub reaches all locations of Dallas County such as Dallas Downtown, Dallas Uptown, North Dallas, Highland Park Dallas, Westlake Dallas, Southlake Dallas, University Park Dallas, Flower Mound Dallas, Preston hollow Dallas, Arts District Dallas, Reunion District Dallas, Lewisville, etc.   

We also cover zip code including Dallas 75219, Dallas 75205, Dallas 75225, Dallas 75209, Dallas 75209, Dallas 75230, Dallas 75201, Dallas 75254, Dallas 75203, Dallas 75214, Dallas 75220, Dallas 75077, Dallas 75019, Dallas 75082, Dallas 76092, Dallas 75094, Dallas 75028, Dallas 75013, Dallas 75225, Dallas 75022, Dallas 75207, Dallas 75247, Dallas 75235, Dallas 75220.



Satisfaction Guaranteed:- Quality is our main motto. iFixHub never compromises with high-quality repair parts and 100 percent customer service. We give more attention to customer issues and concerns earlier.

Limited Warranty:- Limited warranty is the best offer of iFixHub because anything happens after repair and replacement. So concerning customer issues, we provide the clients limited- term warranty in our services. If something happens after replacing, no additional cost at all.

Deeper Understanding:- iFixHub team always believes in science, mechanism, tech specs, blueprint, function, and how it’s design and build of any technology.

Good Communication:- iFixHub team actively listen, move, and react to our client’s each and every issue. Effective communication is always helpful to resolve the issue and make customers reliable which our team will provide that requirement.

Apple Certified Technician:- iFixHub has a computer science graduated and certified apple technician with service fundamental(SVC), Apple Certified iOS Technician(ACiT), Apple Certified Mac Technician( ACMT). Besides this certification, iFixHub has Microsoft Certification, Security, Mobility, Network, Mobility, and Deployment training.

Five-Star Customer Service:- iFixHub never compromises in excellent repair and best quality in providing supports and servicing which has been continuing for 7 years of this support and service field.

Reasonable cost of service:- iFixHub is always aware of the market price which tries to give the best matching price to our clients. iFixHub has always one motto, NO FIX NO COST!!!!


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why SSD is better than HDD?

A: Solid-state drives are faster, lighter, more durable, and use less energy.

Q: Can I upgrade SSD in my laptops?

A: Before upgrading SSD on your laptops, you need to make sure the drive will fit in the laptop. Find the right SSD form factor and interface.

Q: What do you mean by a solid-state drive upgrade?

A: Solid State Drive Upgrade contains replace existing hard drive, improve the performance of SSD than before, add more features such as speed, space and more.

Q: How much it will cost me to do the SSD upgrade?

A:  Drive size, capacity and model determines the cost of SSD upgrade.

Q: What is the max storage I can put on my desktop?

A: It depends on your need and profession for which purpose you are using the computer. For non- professional user takes 250- 320 GB and the professional user may take 1 TB and beyond.

Q: I have an old laptop, should I upgrade SSD in it?

A: SSD is the better option on the basis of faster performance, extended battery life, fast OS Boot, lifespan and durability, and storage capacity.

Q: Can you replace the SSD in a laptop?

A: Yes we can replace the SSD. The important things are we need an external drive so we can back up all your data.

Q: Can a laptop work without an SSD?

A: SSD consists of an operating system that needs to be installed to boot up the computer. Thus, Laptop can not exist without an SSD.


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